The project explores adaptation and entrepreneurial strategies among individuals who have left Russia after February 24, 2022, emigrating to Serbia, Kazakhstan, Israel, Armenia, or Turkey.
The study answers two questions. The first one concerns what economic strategies emigrants use. In other words, how do professionals and entrepreneurs who have left Russia incorporate into the economies of their host countries, and are they doing so?
The second question focuses on the transformations of emigrants’ social ties. Do they create diasporic communities, or do they atomize? What ideas and values serve as the basis for solidarization, if any?
This Ideas for Russia project was prepared by Social Foresight Group with the support of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom.
Preliminary report :
— Russian version (publication date: July, 2023)
— English version (publication date: July, 2023)
Full report:
— Russian version (publication date: September, 2023)
Mass media publications:
— The Bell: “Убежать, закрепиться, поехать дальше. Как именно российские релоканты адаптируются за границей”
— Russia.Post: “What Life Is Like For Russian Emigrants” Kuleshova, A., & Volkova, M. (2023, November 15)
— T-Invariant. (2023, August 23) “Лицо эмигрантской национальности” YouTube