Boris Nemtsov repeatedly told his friends and supporters:
“You need bravery to defend freedom in Russia.”
He firmly believed that Russia is part of Europe and was a principled supporter of liberal values. In the final years before his assassination, Nemtsov became one of the fiercest critics of Vladimir Putin’s regime.
To celebrate Nemtsov’s courageous fight with the authoritarian regime in Russia, the Foundation established the Boris Nemtsov Prize for Courage in defending democratic rights and freedoms. It was first presented in 2016, and, since then, it is annually awarded to an individual who has shown exceptional civil courage.


Maria Ponomarenko, Vladimir Rumyantsev, Nikita Tushkanov, Mikhail Simonov, Maxim Lypkan Russian
Russian citizens who denounced Russian military aggression

Volodymyr Zelensky

Alexei Navalny

Konstantin Kotov
civil activist

Anastasia Shevchenko
civil activist

Nadezhda Mityushkina
civil activist

Ildar Dadin
civil activist

Lev Shlosberg