This year the Boris Nemtsov Prize for courage in defending democratic values sponsored by the Boris Nemtsov Foundation will be presented for the third time. Five finalists were selected out of 40 nominees through an online-vote among the readership of “Novaya gazeta”. From April, 4 till April, 30 11 150 people voted on “Novaya gazeta” website.
They include opposition politician Alexey Navalny, historian and human rights defender Yury Dmitriev, member of the Council of Russia’s democratic movement “Solidarnost” Nadezhda Mityushkina, one of the youngest coordinators of Navalny’s presidential campaign Egor Chernyuk and head of the “Memorial” in Chechnya and a political prisoner Oyub Titiev.
“Memorial”, Russia’s human rights center, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, “GOLOS” , electoral watchdog , “Solidarnost”, Free Russia Foundation, “The Last Address”, KULTURUS festival, expert group “European dialogue”, Foundation of socially significant initiatives, “Activatica”, Moscow school of civic education, Anti-corruption Foundation, Boris Nemtsov Academic Center, Freedom House – Lithuania, German-Russian Exchange. The Board of Trustees of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom and Ildar Dadin, awarded in 2017 also nominated their candidates.
In coming weeks the Board of Trustees of the Foundation will select the winner-2018. Previous winners include Russian politician Lev Shlosberg and civil activist Ildar Dadin.
Source: Novaya gazeta.